Specialized in customized solutions
Cupola Melting Furnace
Your custom Kuttner Cupola Melt System will allow scrap purchasing flexibility and the greatest production flexibility, while producing consistent high-quality iron output at the lowest cost per ton.

Cupola Melting Furnace
Our advanced process engineering and superior cupola technology assures that Kuttner Melt Systems meet your needs.
Your custom Kuttner Cupola Melt System will allow scrap purchasing flexibility and the greatest production flexibility, while producing consistent high-quality iron output at the lowest cost per ton.
Cupola Off-Gas-Systems
The classic Cupola Off-Gas-System is comprised of a combustor, heat recovery system (hot blast system) and gas cooler, baghouse with sophisticated air pollution control (filter) and stack.
Kuttner, together with US and international partners, is providing the whole system or single parts of it.

Cupola Process Consulting
Our extensive cupola melt system process experience and advanced computer modeling allows us to provide detailed analysis of your existing melt operation and further consulting to meet your specific needs. We custom design a solution for the features that your system demands.